Politics have never really interest me. Honestly I couldn’t
care less about what really goes behind closed doors within the government. In
my eyes just about every politician are a bunch of liars, and the honest ones?
Well... if there are any they are clouded among the cheats, liars and made up
facts that try to worry us about issues and problems we really shouldn’t care
about. Sort of like a marketing company trying to promote products we don’t
really need.
With my lack of knowledge about politics, I know even less
about the US political campaign. I sort of have a little understanding that
currently both President Obama and Mitt Romney are fighting for approval of the
American people before the presidential campaign starts in November 2012.
Despite all of this, something really caught my attention
this week. Back in March of 2011, Donald Trump went to the media and demanded –
not asked – for President Obama to release his birth certificate. Why Trump is
making a fuss that the President shows his birth certificate? I have absolutely
no idea. I suppose it was really just to prove that Obama was a citizen of the
USA. After what seems like weeks of originally ignoring Trumps ranting – this
seemed to fuel the public – President Obama finally released his birth
certificate. Which still didn’t make people happy (especially Donald Trump), as
a lot of people claimed it was fake.
Donald Trump was than publicly humiliated during a White
House Correspondents dinner. Claiming that not only has he shown his birth
certificate, but for everyone in the room he has a copy of his birthing video.
Which just happen to be the famous scene from The Lion King. Again, I don’t
know much about politics, but... touché!
Now about a year and a bit later, Trump is in the news once
more pointing fingers at President Obama. He claims that President Obama is the
least transparent President that the country has ever had. He even feels ‘honoured’
that he was behind the campaign for President Obama to finally release his
birth certificate (even though he still claims that it is a fake). But this
time, Trump wants more. This time, he wants President Obama to release ‘His
college records and applications... Passport applications and records... (he)
will give to the charity of (Obama’s) choice... 5 million dollars.’
I am not kidding. Trump actually wants the president of the
United States of America to disclose personal and private information about
himself, and he will give away to any charity of Obama’s choosing, 5 million
dollars. The first thing that sprang to my mind was not only is this guy is an
idiot, but 5 million dollars is honestly just change for this billionaire. I
mean honestly? 5 million dollars? For me personal, that is more than I could
ever ever want. But for billionaire Donald trump. This is nothing. He probably
doesn’t get out of bed for anything less than 5 million.
Another thing that sprang to mind was, with all that money
that he has, shouldn’t he be donating to charity anyway? Without having to
bribe the President of the country he lives in? And I’m not talking about his
reality TV show here. Because that isn’t really charity is it?
I honestly think this is another media stunt, and he is
making a fool of himself in the meantime. What does he honestly think he will
gain from all of this? The even funny thing is that Trump released this on YouTube,
with the comment section disabled. Maybe he is a little afraid of what the
trolls will do to his dwindling reputation?
Joking aside, if you look back to the YouTube video when
Trump appeared on the video first requesting the birth certificate of Obama, he
said that he wanted proof that he was born within the USA. When he was asked
back in March, “Why didn’t you ask George W. Bush for his birth certificate?”
his response was “George Bush was born in this country.” Without really
answering the question. Why all of a sudden interest in this President? Out of
all the 44 Presidents that America has had? Why this one? Honestly I couldn’t
care less what hidden agenda Trump has. But coming out and publically bribing
your own president is a really cheap shot, which will only make you look like a
fool. How about you focus on the more important things in the world, and
actually step down from that high horse you call a tower.