Saturday 25 February 2012

Politics - Why is it such a headache!

Back in November 2007, when Australia had a Federal election. It was between John Howard and Kevin Rudd. I’m not really in to politics, and to be honest half of the time I really do not know what they are going on about. In my opinion no matter who you vote for, they are all no good liars and really not worth my time.

Now personally, the vibe that I was getting during that time is that a lot of people were just sick and tired of all the false promises that John Howard from the Liberal party were telling us for years. I cannot recall all the promises at the time John Howard were making, but I do recall that when it was time to vote Kevin Rudd would be getting mine, as I thought Australia needed a change for the better. It also seemed at the time that this wasn’t just my opinion either. A lot of people really wanted a changed and just felt that Liberal had been in power for way too long and we needed a Labor government.

For years John Howard seem to me that kid in school who didn’t really have any friends but wanted to hang around the cool kids and be their lap dog. I always use to find it funny every time that John Howard was next to George W. Bush; he always seemed really giddy that here he was getting media attention next to the ‘cool kid’. Until both stood next to Tony Blair, and it would seem to me that Tony would give a shake of his head and roll his eyes every time he would see them two together.

Not long after Kevin Rudd was elected, all the promises he had made during his campaign didn’t seem as though they were going to happen. The fibre optics internet network which he had promised during his campaign? Well he had approached Telstra about it and told them that they would have the governments support, they basically shut the door in his face and said no. So it seemed as though not matter how hard he was trying he didn’t seem to be getting anywhere.

People who had seemed to have voted for Kevin Rudd where now stating that they had voted for John Howard and telling people off for electing him in the first place. I still remember Facebook lit up by various comments from people bad mouthing Kevin Rudd and I sat there thinking, ‘I’m pretty sure we I scroll through the older posts I would find a “Hooray Kevin 07!” in there somewhere.’

In August 2010 things started to hit the fan. I wasn’t in the country at the time, but all I remember is an election happening while I was overseas, and next thing we knew Australia had a female Prime Minister. There was talk at the time that Julia Gilard had stabbed Kevin Rudd in the back and basically took the seat from him. Australia was proud once again to have their first female Prime Minister and we were all ready for a change once more.

Time and time against since that August day, Julia was either saying or doing something wrong. Commenting on how she doesn’t like kids during a speech for education, or going on about not believing in god despite growing up in the Baptist Church. She even gave a grant to schools to build new halls when a large majority either didn’t have the room for the new building or their old halls were fine as it is. Now I’m not going to list all the major flaws that Julia has done, but just like Kevin Rudd things all seem to be going from bad to worse.

When Julia became Prime Minister, she made Kevin Rudd foreign minister. Not something that I would see Kevin Rudd doing, but even with a knife in his back he seem to be doing an OK job. Mostly due to Julia constantly stuff up; nobody wanted to know about poor Rudd anymore. He has now resigned as Foreign Minister which apparently means he can now go for the Prime Minister seat.

I do not know the whole mechanics of it, and frankly I do not want to. Now this is the part that completely amazes me. Since it now seems with all of Julia’s stuff ups, Kevin Rudd may be back in the big seat as Prime Minister. After everything he has gone through, it seems as though that Kevin Rudd is getting the popularity vote.

Have people finally lost it? Has the world really gone mad? I mean, back in 2007 everyone wanted him, when he stuff up a lot of people were cursing the name Rudd. Now that we’ve had Julia for just over a year they now want him back? Like I said before, all politicians lie and it’s really hard to choose the lesser of the two evils when choosing Labor or Liberal. But do we all really want Kevin Rudd back in power? Will Julia steal his seat once again when he does become Prime Minister? Who knows? This is one of the many reasons why I do not like politics; no one ever is honest with anyone.

So I finally had my little vent, as I’m sure it’s driving a lot of people in Australia a bit mental as well. What does everyone else think of this? Is this whole feud between Gilard and Rudd completely nonsense, or do you think that it’s about time that Rudd have the spotlight once again?

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