Thursday 24 November 2011

Give Kyle the kick!

Well who'd a thunk it? Everybody in the whole wide universe is the answer. Kyle is in the media once again and this time it hasn’t even been two months since the last time he was appearing everywhere within the media. This time it’s for his comments against reporter Alison Stephenson. She wrote an article about Kyle and Jackie’s new show called ‘A night with the stars.’She mentioned that within minutes of the anticipated program it all fell apart. Despite mainly focusing on just the bad twitter comments about this show, she did have something good to add about it. That as bad as the show was, maybe this type of entertainment is exactly what the fans of the Kyle and Jackie O show actually wanted to see. And above all that, she praised how they have the ability to pull in top major stars.

Kyle’s reaction to the news article? “Some fat slag on the Telegraph website, sorry,, has already branded it a disaster. You can tell by reading the article she just hates us. What a fat bitter thing you are. You’ve got a nothing job anyway. You’re a piece of shit." What a very mature thing to say. Not. Many famous people have been back lashed within the media over decades and have just ignored a lot of the comments they hear about them. But Kyle has to come out swinging, saying that it his right as an Australian to defend comments made about himself. If he isn’t stirring up trouble all on his own, it’s his reaction to something someone has said about him.

The amazing thing is that the media and many people call him a shock jock. Maybe they should look up the definition of the word. The dictionary has the definition of shock jock as: “A disc jockey on a talk-radio show who expresses opinions in a deliberately offensive or provocative way.” Expresses opinions! If that is what Kyle is doing, then a lot of men and women who are dragged to courts for verbal abuse due to domestic violence can get off scot free because all they did was expressed their opinion. Face it Kyle. You got ticked off that someone had the guts to write about how they didn’t like your show and it made you mad.

When is the media going to learn that this guy is nothing but a hypocrite and kick him off the air for good? I don’t see him doing any good. He was brought into Big Brother because it was losing ratings in hopes to pick up more viewers, and it made the show worse. He was brought in to Australian Idol and the same thing happen. So the media decides to give him his own show? Very clever people working behind that train of thought there.

Because of his comments live on air, a lot of the top sponsors are coming out of the woodworks and withdrawing from sponsoring not only the TV show, but also the radio show as well. Basically to cover their own arse. Holden released a statement not long after Kyle’s rant on air saying, "Recent comments made on the Kyle and Jackie O Breakfast Show do not in any way reflect the views or opinions of Holden and we are very disappointed to hear Kyle's personal attack on a journalist. We believe the show is no longer in line with Holden's core values and as a result we have taken action to withdraw our sponsorship of the program, effective immediately."

Now a lot of his fans are coming out saying this is just another way for the media to get back at him, and that this whole thing is blown out of proportion. One fan even suggested that “It’s funny how everything is one sided with the media,” and that news reporter Alison, “obviously just wanted to make a good story and didn’t care about, at what cost.” What a complete joke. I’m guessing this poor fan didn’t read the article that Alison wrote, and only got his facts from Kyle’s radio. If this fan of his had any sense at all, they really should have read the article and notice that the only feedback that Alison wrote are from the twitter fans who were watching the show.

As usual, Jackie is taking Kyle’s side and defending him. Saying that “you treat women here, with nothing but the most respect.” Come on Jackie. This isn’t the first time that Kyle treated women like crap. Remember the incident where he strapped a 14 year old to a lie detector to ask her questions about her sexuality to only find out that she was raped? And they still needed a producer to whisper into Jackie’s air that maybe they should stop asking questions!

Face it Kyle. You’re not a has-been, you were nothing to begin with. You’re just an attention seeker trying anything and everything to get their name in the paper. Well guess what, this time it has come back to bite you, and this time the wounds haven’t healed before you’ve decided to get your name in the press once more. Hopefully this time you’re actually kicked off for good, and will actually learn to grow up and act mature for once and take responsibility for your own actions.

Article about the so called love child:
Article the Alison Stephenson wrote:

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