Sunday 13 November 2011

What a child wants is not really what they need

I’m sure most of us have heard by now about the lesbian couple who have started hormone treatment on their adopted son from the age of eight, as they and he always knew he wanted to be a girl. If you haven’t read this story, and do want to read all about it you can find about it all here:

Now apart from the fact that an eight year old boy has said that he has always wanted to be a girl, both his parents are letting him go through with this choice, and an actual doctor going through with the whole procedure. There is only one thing about this whole story that really makes me sick to my stomach. It is that people who have read or heard about this story have been responding in two ways. 1. This is what you get when gay couples are allowed to adopt, or 2. This is why gay people shouldn’t get married. Now some people whom I’ve talked to about this story have not had this answer, I admit. But it has been surprising how many people have responded in this fashion.

Saying that the couple is going ahead with this because of their sexual orientation is just plain stupid. This is one of the reasons when I hear something happen on the news and they either point out their religion, where they are from or their sexual orientation makes me mad. None of these things have anything to do with the choices we all make as individuals. Saying this is happening because they are gay is just as stupid as someone would point out that they dye their hair. It has nothing to do with the choice they make each and every day. You may as well point out the colour of their hair, the shoes that they wear or what car they drive.

All three adults (the couple and the doctor) make me sick to my stomach for even considering going ahead with this whole sex change. I have no idea how much they are paying this doctor, but I have a gut feeling this was probably not the first doctor they went to see. The amazing thing is that within the interview Debra (one of ‘Tammy’s parents) mentions to recall back to when each of us where either the age of three or four or think about what we were. ‘Where you a boy because you look like a boy, or were you a boy because that’s how you felt you were?” Now I’m sure I can speak about a lot of us here, but when I was a kid of the age of three or four I didn’t really spend much time thinking about what I was in gender. As a matter of fact I was most of a tomboy when I was a kid. I loved playing with cars, running and climbing trees (if that’s what you want to clarify what young boys do) but I didn’t think of it as being a boy, I thought it was fun and it’s what I wanted to do.

And where are child services in this whole story anyway? I know the kid wants to go through with it and all, but this has to be some sort of abuse in one way or another...right? I swear this whole thing really doesn’t make any sense at all. I’m sure we’ll be hearing in about 5 years time some Women’s Day spread about some boys horrid mistake when he was eight and now wishes to turn back but can’t.

When each of us tries and think back to when we were all eight, I’m pretty sure what I wanted at the time was not the right choice. My brother wanted to be just like the boy who could fly ( and I wanted to be a Ghostbuster (still want to... sort of). How about waiting until this kid is a little older and can make this decision all on his own. Adults who actually want to go through with the surgery have to go through a whole psychological process, to make sure that the final decision they make is the right one.

Where are the people standing up for this little kid? Come on, I’m pretty sure if you sat the kid down and said to him, “Ok, I know this is what you think you want to do right now, I respect that. But this is a decision that will impact the rest of your life. And if in the future you realized you’ve made a mistake and want to turn back, it’s going to be even harder later on. How about waiting a few more years when you’ve actually experienced life a little more and you’re able to make this decision as an adult?” Or just one simple theory that I have, say NO! What happened to saying no to a kid who wants something? Have everyone become soft?

In the end if the government, the doctors, the family aren’t stepping in and doing something to stop this, what has the rest of the world have a chance on when someone else think the idiotic idea that they’ve come up with and no one stops them and say hey... you’re an idiot. Honestly, I think with stories like this is why shows like Jerry Springer will be on the air forever.

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