Friday 4 November 2011

Slowly Turning Into Monkeys

A lot of scientists believe that we were all evolved from monkeys. I tend to disagree. I actually think we are all slowly turning into monkeys. This is mostly due to the fact that it seems that we as a species seem to be getting more and more stupid with each generation. With technology advancing at an amazing rate, it seems as though that this advanced technology is making us a lot dumber instead of making a lot of our lives faster and easier as it was intended.

People no longer remember phone numbers anymore, as we all have our mobile phones that store our friends and families names and their contact details. It’s not until we either lose our phone or it suddenly breaks down that we panic and message our friends/family on Facebook - or what other social media site we use - to message us with their contact details.

It’s gotten so bad, that we now have warning labels on the most obvious things which our common sense would have warned us to begin with. No hair dryer in the shower. No laptop in the bath. No running towards the closing doors of a train (you do realize that it’s not designed like an elevator door and won’t open when you stick out your arm/leg/body between those doors right?). Now a lot of people will say that these kinds of warning labels have been around since the mid 1970s. This is true. Keep in mind though, these kinds of warning labels wouldn’t be there if someone hadn’t actually tried and done these sorts of things and then tried to sue the company for not warning them of the dangers.

A friend of mine recently wrote a blog about a young girl who was recently found dead in her bedroom with a belt tied around her neck ( She apparently was taking part of a new game called ‘choking’ (or space monkey). The definition I found on the internet regarding this game says that “they self-strangulate in order to achieve a brief high. The high is the result of oxygen rushing back to the brain after it's cut off by the practice of strangulation. Now if you’re stupid enough to take part in this, even if it is the latest thing that a lot of people are taking part in, then I’m sorry to say you’d be part of the many people who already sign up for the Darwin Awards each year.

Maybe this all has something to do with reality TV shows like Jackass. We see videos all the time of people doing outrageous things which make us laugh because their acting so silly, but at the same time has a bit of appeal to it because they all look as though they are having so much fun. So some of us attempt to recreate what we see on these shows and they get badly injured in the process (if they are lucky).

Whatever the cause of all this, maybe some of us should watch out for that special friend of ours that will go that extra mile for attention. Make them realize that what they are about to do is the most stupidest idea ever, and that you’d rather make sure they have all their limbs attached then to see them doing something that they will either regret later, or one of the stories someone will be talking about at their funeral and warning other people about on the news.

(For those of you who do not know what the Darwin Awards are. Here is the link to the website to find out all the information about it: Has a lot of stories about the weirdest thing that some people have done to end up ten feet below the ground.)

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